Further down the page, we explain how to progress through education, building your qualification step by step!
Useful Tools & Articles for your learning journey
Alternatives to the CAO
With all the talk of CAO and applying to university, it can be easy to forget that there are other routes to your chosen career.
Build your qualifications step by step
Did you know that you can add on qualifications to build up from a QQI level 5/6 all the way up to Level 8 honours degree and further!
Apprenticeships Explained
An apprenticeship is the recognised way people train in a craft trade or profession.
Qualifax Course Finder
Provides a lot of information about further and higher education and training options in Ireland and further afield.
Careers Portal
Use this tool to search for courses with SPECIFIC links using your QQI/FETAC Award code. You can also search for courses with NON-SPECIFIC links by Career Sector (which lists CAO courses that accept Any Full QQI Award)
Returning to College
If you think education is right for you now, this article takes you through some of the steps or options you might want to consider if you are thinking about returning to college.
Supports when going to college with a disability
If you are a student with a disability, it is important to know that there are several supports and programmes available, to help you achieve your educational goals at college or university.
Financial Supports for Students
Going to college can be expensive – there are fees, laptop, equipment, travel, accommodation to consider – however, there are a range of schemes to help you with the cost.
Back to Education Schemes
There are a number of schemes available for people who wish to return to education if they are long term unemployed. Your eligibility for these schemes depends on your situation, and the level of education you have already reached.
Mental Health supports for college students
There are a range of organisations across Ireland to help support the mental health of young people, and this article explains them. You can also visit LetsTalkDLR for information on local services in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown.
The Student Perspective
A great podcast which shares the perspective of students as they go about their learning journey.
What does Progressing mean?
Building your qualification step by step!
Did you know that you can add on qualifications to build up from a QQI level 5/6 all the way up to Level 8 honours degree and further! Watch this short introductory video!
Useful links
All the Levels Explained: